This Happy Life

I have been so accustomed for so long to disappointment.  My son’s addiction has taken almost half of his life to this point, and over that time he has been in countless rehabs, hospitals, treatment centers and he has also been incarcerated.  The rehab where he currently is has taken hold and he is a changed man.  We discussed this yesterday and neither of us can say why this one when he has held apart his secret life for eighteen years, but he feels that the combination of his spiritual awakening, the lovingkindness of Good Landing Recovery’s model, and it being his own decision where to go, not his parents, are some of the factors.  Any reason is fine with me.  I wake daily as though it is Christmas and Easter and am excited to look at my messages he sends me overnight – scripture, YouTube meditations, and reflections.

Happy Life

It feels like a brand-new life, a fresh happy outlook, a happy ending.  Or as Ben said yesterday, a happy new beginning.  We are in the process of getting a lot of tasks done – he just got glasses, which he has been without for years.  He is taking care of some medical issues and dental work.  He is living so healthfully that he is almost over the top and I told him he needs to not be rigid – it’s ok to have an occasional sandwich. My husband and I and his father and stepmother attended his graduation last week.  He is officially three months sober, and he handed me his blue chip.  I placed it at home in front of the picture of the two of us at Christmas.  My husband and I are taking him to a concert of his favorite group in a few weeks to celebrate.  In all these years, he has never been clean for so long.  Ben told me yesterday that in all of this time, he never really intended to keep away from substances, but now he does.  Now he wants to build a real life.  He begins his leadership training soon and will be a mental health tech.  He says that ultimately, he wants to be in service to others and to his God and may go into counselling.  It will be a long road, but he is an intelligent man and will prevail, I just know it. Recovery is possible.


It is just so very appropriate that the spring is about to begin and is already showing signs of appearing early.  On our walk yesterday at the park across the street, some of the trees showed purple flowers and there was a blue heron posing in the middle of the pond.  I have been recovering from a total knee replacement and that too is going beautifully.  I feel strong and pain-free, and lucky to be so. While we sat at lunch yesterday, Ben shared that he had seen a meteor the other night and immediately thought of his brother Jon, who for so long supported and tried so hard to help him.  He felt it was a message or a sign that Jon sees his recovery and was cheering his victory. I feel it is so.

The program has laid the foundation for his success.  It instills the love of Jesus, and advises them to change their friends, their music, their environment and their mindset, all of which Ben states he had done.  In his sermon at graduation last week, the owner Trey Lewis said that Good Landings has a 100% success rate if the people do 100% of what the program asks them to do. I believe it.  I believe in Ben. I believe in the power of prayer.

This song is Ben’s favorite song by Satsang, who we are going to see in March.