
The other day, my husband and I saw a huge, majestic deer walking just behind our fence in the backyard.  We went to the window and watched as he walked slowing and imperiously into the neighbor’s yard.  He had the aura of a being full of wisdom since he had survived at least 10 years or more, given that he had a full rack of antlers. Deer continually surprise and fascinate me – their sheer size and their silence as they move so closely to us as we walk at the park, and their coloration which makes them nearly invisible.

I have thought a few times of that particular deer in the days that followed.  We had never seen him before.  We can almost recognize many of the deer that pass by, usually travelling in their groups behind our house, then across the street to the woods behind our neighbor’s houses, and I assume to the golf course in the next neighborhood.  They obviously have their safe areas and pathways that they traverse daily, searching for food and a place to sleep.  But this deer was his own entity, so calm and powerful.

Emotional Maturity

I could relate to his spirituality and strength.  I feel my own growth inside, the ability to cope, the certainty that I can control my feelings, and the giving way of the idea that I can control other people and their choices or actions. The strong yearning to learn more about God and to lean further into experiencing His guidance in my life propels me forward.

Aging is not a sad prospect; it is thrilling to move through life gathering experiences and love and years filled with gratifying stability and peaceful prayer. I am happy, even though my life experience of losing one son and having another son who struggled so long with addiction would suggest I ought not be.  I love.  I have contentment and enjoyment.  I truly do not care that I am getting older.  To me, aging is riches. This feeling is spirit-driven, without a doubt.

More than anything I know, it is true that my faith has led me home.



Enjoy the song by Carrie Newcomer – Every Little Bit of It
