Moving Forward

Our house backs up to a large church, which we love because they are wonderful quiet neighbors – with the added benefit of their decorating for Christmas with a large tree or a lighted star which we can view over the fence, and especially due to the carol bells which ring on the hour. They just played America the Beautiful because it is Memorial Day, which was lovely. Today is a very special day. My son Ben actualized plans to begin his real life, and my heart is overflowing.


The day before yesterday, Ben was invited over to help my husband do yard work and for dinner and then to spend the night. It was the first time in many years that he had done so, and it made my heart so happy to see the two of them working together as they had in the past, chattering away. I prepared a nice dinner and then we all watched a movie together.  So normal.  So sweet.  Then yesterday, Ben and I drove up to the mountain town of Blue Ridge, about an hour and a half north.  He had plans to see a room for rent and to meet the man who had tentatively offered him a landscaping/home improvement job.

It was a beautiful day in the 70’s, and on our drive we talked excitedly and listened to music.  We share a love of similar music, a lot of which Ben has introduced me to, and our feelings of anticipation was high. Ben said he felt nervous, like it was the first day of school.

The day unfolded perfectly, the path forward remarkably easy.  Ben feels that it was God-lead and I agree 100%.  My prayers are being answered so clearly.  The room is an ideal place for him to start out and the landlords are jovial and sweet.  The cabin is at the top of a mountain, up a gravel road and there is a deck with a jacuzzi and a perfect place for him to meditate and pray. He loves to run, and the road to the cabin is intersected by the Appalachian Trail, so he relishes the idea of that being part of his runs.

He met his future boss at the lake where he was hosting his work crew for a picnic and an afternoon of boating.  They got along as though they were old friends, and he offered Ben an extremely generous wage.  He is also a recovering addict to has been sending Ben scripture and has encouraged him to continue to serve others in recovery in his part time. He will have support as he begins his new life, as well as friendship.


Ben graduated from a wonderful rehab, and then from his leadership training.  He has been working several different jobs including house manager and helping with intake.  He has not faltered once on his recovery journey and has more than six months clean.  He has opened his heart to God and has a very active prayer life. He loves to exercise and run and plans to join a gym.  He has become an extremely healthy eater, primarily vegetarian.  I told him that just delighted me as that is my favorite way of eating too. He is so anxious to start working and wants to begin dating and hopes to find a wife and eventually have children. I feel that he truly has the foundation for all that he wants to accomplish, and I am so very grateful to Good Landings Recovery for their superior program.

We had a terrific celebratory lunch and on the way home to his apartment, we were both overflowing with gratitude to God and giddy with sheer happiness. At one point I told him that I had stalled in completing my book about him and his brother because I did not want to finish the book with sadness.  I longed for my book, and for Ben, to have a happy ending. I was in tears telling him this.  Tears of utter joy.

Ben’s ship is coming in, and I know that this is the beginning of his happy ending. I have faith, and I praise God for leading Ben to this place. My gratitude abounds.

PS – Just as I was about to complete this post, I was contacted by my pastor’s wife.  She has been in touch with someone she knows who has a ministry to supply cars to needy people.  She just told me that they have a car for Ben.  Unbelievable!  Thank you Lord!